Attorneys Can Help You Get Out of Their Timeshare – No Need to Despair

Have Questions Regarding Your Timeshare Contract

If you have recently bought a timeshare or the purchase took place several years ago and you have since realized that it is not exactly what works for you, you must know that you don’t need to be stuck with an unwanted contract – specialized attorneys can help you get out of their timeshare, with expert legal help you can get rid of the huge burden of having to pay dearly for a purchase made on an impulse.

As many as 70% of timeshare owners start regretting the decision to sign the timeshare contract very soon after the deal has taken place and many owners in the other 30% realize that their timeshare is no longer what they want after having spent several of their yearly vacations on the property. If you are one of these owners who is asking can I sell a timeshare, you must know that there is help out there – fortunately, there are many lawyers who specialize in timeshare cases and who can help you out. Here is how.

Getting the Contract Cancelled

Whether your timeshare contract is still within the grace period – the period that allows buyers to change their minds and cancel the contract without any consequences and that any timeshare contract must include – or it is an older contract with an expired grace period, you still have several options when it comes to the most suitable exit strategy. What a timeshare lawyer will do first is to evaluate your particular case to see whether the seller has breached any of the clauses in the contract and to work out arguments that can convince the seller to accept a cancellation. Timeshare lawyers not only know the law, but they are excellent communicators and negotiators, so they know exactly how to talk to timeshare sellers and how to argue convincingly even if none of the contractual clauses have been breached.

Arranging for a Take-Back

Many timeshare sellers have take-back programs in place that allow timeshare owners to return the timeshare property to the company they have initially bought it from for a discounted price. Your lawyer can find out whether your seller provides that kind of program and he or she can negotiate the conditions of a take-back on your behalf.

Help with Debt Collectors

Timeshare attorneys can help you if you have several unpaid instalments and debt collectors keep showing up at your door. Many timeshare sellers turn to debt collectors to recover unpaid sums, but you must know that third-party collectors are not allowed to contact debtors directly, they can try to collect the debts only via the debtor’s lawyer, never by disturbing debtors in their home or at their workplace. Timeshare lawyers know how to handle these situations as well and they will make your life much less stressful by keeping debt collectors away from you.


Experienced timeshare attorneys can represent your best interests if you decide to take legal action as well. Your attorney will have vast knowledge of the laws applicable in your case and can handle every aspect of the lawsuit. Very often, the lawsuits filed by timeshare buyers against their sellers end with an amicable settlement and timeshare attorneys know how to reach an agreement that is acceptable for all the involved parties.  Find more help regarding timeshare contracts at a reputable timeshare company.